The "Magic Garden" by Philli artist Isaiah Zagar is jammed into a once vacant city building lot, it has 2 levels, multiple staircases, tunnels, bridges, corridors and courtyards, all completely covered in mosaics and hand made masonry using broken mirrors, hand made tiles, old glass bottles, bicycle parts and recycled pieces of other artistic media. It took the artist all of 14 years to finish, and includes tons of separate sculptures, sketches, quotes and stories that all meld together to form this amazing labyrinthine garden. We could have spent weeks there and not noticed everything. Connected to the garden is an indoor gallery, the basement of which is also completely covered, walls ceiling and floors, in the artists unique style of mosaics. The upstairs and back garage were used to display sculptures, prints and other media by the same artist. It was incredible, and as fun as these pics are, they still don't quite do the place its due justice.

Isaac admiring the artwork thru one of many old bicycle wheels.

We found this good little thinking spot.

It was morning, so the sun was coming in all sorts of interesting ways.

One set of steps, shot from one of several bridges.

The grand staicase.
Old bottles and broken mirrors make great walls.
The back gallery in the garage. The sun sneaks in again.

The Basement.