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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Paul's Falls and other places in Colorado

It has been great to spend a little time in Colorado this last month.  Here are a few more landscape and nature shots from my time there. 

A rainbow and a half from mom and dad's driveway.

 Dad and I went to a place on the Taryall River, the rest of the shots are from there. 

Some Flowers on an island in the river. 

These next 3 are from the same island with the flowers.


These last 5 are from just down stream from the island, it is a beautiful set of small waterfalls with strong flow and deep channels. I think they can be called 'Paul's Falls".

I didn't realize until I was editing this shot that there are bugs swirling around the rock. 

1 comment:

  1. looks like a beautiful place! the rock that the bugs are swirling around is a very unique looks rock!
