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Monday, May 12, 2014

Costa Rica continued - Monteverde

Location 2 was Monteverde up in the cloud forest.  We spent two days there, day 1 was spend hiking through the cloud forrest reserve looking at the many plants and bugs, and searching for the larger animals. 

here are my best shots from the reserve. 

glass wing butterfly.

We saw these bright red bugs flying, and when they flew the wings looked bright blue.  So Tia decided to catch one. It was not until I was editing the photo that we saw the gigantic stinger. Tia was lucky this one was friendly. 

A small birds nest along side the trail.

Here is a bug we saw, it was crazy. 

We frequently would stop and listened for 10 or so minutes to see if we could spot any mammals.  We were lucky that this Coati decided to show it self to us. It is a little bigger than a raccoon, but with a monkey tail. 

This bridge is more than 300ft high, although it does not feel that high because you can not see the ground, but only the tree tops below.  as we left a cloud rolled by and covered the bridge. 

Us on the bridge.

That night we went back to our bed and breakfast, I took a short walk behind the house to take some sunset photos. 

The next day we went zip lining in Selvatura adventure park.  It was awesome.  The last line was 1 kilometer long (that is 0.6 miles) 

And they had a giant swing, kind of like we set up for the kids.  I think we need to set one up more like this for the little ones.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It is amazing how different things look in different parts of the world. I think its cool that you encountered so many different flowers, bugs and creatures and habitats.
