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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cathedral part 2

Places like this are incredible to be in and even more incredible to photograph. There are so many things to look at, more beautiful stained glass windows then we had time to appreciate, and so many intricate sculptures and details it would take years to notice them all. The one aspect of a place like this that pictures don't do justice to, is it's size...both inside and out it was vast.

One of the three Rose windows.

Each alcove is dedicated to something, and the windows
there tell the story. Many are dedicated to the life and miracles of
Christ. Others, like this one of the Civil War, tell stories
about America and its history.

This is above the high altar, it has 110 figures centered around
Christ the Redeemer of the World. The altar below
is made from a stone that came from the actual Mount Sinai.

This sculpture was in the tiny children's chapel.

From the side, notice the flying buttresses.

My 2 favorite people on the wall of the bishop's garden on the Cathedral grounds.

It was just before noon, the sun was pouring in from the south.

Down the center of the Cathedral, notice the flags of all the states.

(click on the pics to look at them full size)


  1. These are sweet! I like the black and white one the best.

  2. Sam, These are amazing photos in an amazing place. I like the one with the sun on the floor the best. We definitely need to see this and more of D.C.
    See ya soon and love ya

  3. i love all of the colors coming through the windows! what an amazing place!
