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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Betelgeuse and other snowy night subjects

Clear skies, and low ambient light are rare occurrences in this part of the country, but tonight I got lucky. And I learned that the bright red star (8th brightest in the northern sky) in Orion's shoulder (my favorite constellation, always nice to see him up there, guardian of the night sky) is the infamous Betelgeuse. (not to be confused with the equally cool ghost with the most beetlejuice)

Although hotly debated, one possible translation
for the name Betelgeuse is "Orion's armpit."

No post processing or other digital tricks on any of these.
Just old fashioned long exposures... times with a change of position halfway thru.

.... or a bit of shaky-shaky near the end.


....see if you can figure out what I did on this one.

This weeping willow was blowing nicely slightly in the night breeze.

And lots more shaky shaky


  1. Sweet pictures, I guess that you zoomed in/out on the one in question. I like the artistic movement.

  2. Gracias for your comments. You got it!. Shutter open for 13 seconds at F5.6, count 10 beats then slowly zoom out. Not the sharpest pics, but fun goofing.

  3. these are beautiful! looks like a lot of fun! I especially love the 2nd on, and its fun to see all the different effects you can have in one space to make different images! sweet!
