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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another old photshop project.

I have been trying to learn more about using photoshop (mostly I have just learned that my version is way too old), there are some pretty good tutorials on the web if you look around. Here is another old one I found....Can I enter it under "skateboarding"?


  1. nice! go skater jake! is he really tilting like that? he looks like he is gonna fall on his bumb! the color changes are sweet!

  2. Yes, he is really tilting like that. It's 'cause he rocks at carving a long skateboard. And what is a bumB?

  3. bumb: rear, bottom, caboose, butt, dereir. eh? Didn't you know it had a B at the end? just like the word damn has an N though its none pronounceable. (i of course mean a damn to hold water back, i am not swearing here)

  4. dj has informed me that my dams were mixed up..... sorry, guess I swore.
