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Monday, July 5, 2010

Prescott camping

We went camping on friday night, I tried some long exposures, both were about 10 minutes. The first one as me in it, i held my flash and fired it 3 times at different places. Tia says it looks like I am dancing. The second one has the foreground lit by my flash that I fired off camera probably about 25 times, sometimes pointed at the trees, sometimes at the ground. you can see a bit of lens flare on the right side, I was standing too much in front of the camera while I was using the flash, so some stray light made it into the lens.


  1. These pics ROCK. The stars look amazing. Did you flash it at the beginning or in the middle to get the dancers? Did you flash twice?? Very cool!! Can't wait to see you guys.

  2. I flashed it lots of times, to get me in it, i held an external flash in my hand, pointed it and fired. I also lit the foreground by walking around behind the camera and flashing the flash multiple times.

  3. Sweet. Guess I should have read your blurb more carefully. Was it just a regular flash, that you fired manually? Or some kind of remote flash? We saw something along the same lines where they painted the foreground with huge spotlight during the exposure. Very cool stuff!! -sam
